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  • Rotaract Club Meetings and Functions: Protocols, Agendas, and Formalities

    Club Meetings and Functions Here you will find all the necessary information about the format and agenda of Rotaract club meetings, as well as the protocols to be observed for formal functions. We believe in organizing our events in an efficient and respectful manner to ensure a positive experience for all attendees. Format for Club Meeting: Sitting Head Table: - Secretary - President - Guest Speaker - R.C.C. Meeting No.: [Number] Date: [Date] Time: [Time] Location: [Venue] Program: 1. Sergeant at Arms to collar the President 2. Meeting called to order by the President or Vice-President 3. National Anthem/Silent Prayer led by Vice-President 4. Welcome by the President 5. Guest Speaker/Chief Guest 6. Visiting Rotarian 7. District Board Members 8. Visiting Rotaractors 9. Guests 10. Minutes of previous week's meeting by Secretary Rtr. [Recorded by Rtr.] 11. Announcements by the President: - Birthday Greetings - Wedding Anniversaries - Recognition's - Thanking - Acknowledgment and circulation of received mail, official announcements regarding club projects, activities, and administrative matters. 12. Reports of previous weeks 13. Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly financial report by Treasurer Rtr. 14. 'WORLD OF ROTARACT' - Rotaract information for the week by Rtr. 15. Introduction of Guest Speaker/Chief Guest by Rtr. followed by a Question and Answer session 16. Formal thanking to the Chief Guest/Guest Speaker by Rtr. 17. Any other announcements 18. Secretary's announcements 19. Vote of thanks by Rtr. 20. Meeting adjourned by the President Agenda for Installation Ceremony: 1. Calling dignitaries to the dais 2. Collaring of the President by Sergeant at Arms 3. Meeting called to order by outgoing President 4. National Anthem/Rotaract Song 5. Welcoming of Chief Guest/Guest of Honour, Rotarians, Parents, Visiting Rotaractors, and guests by outgoing President 6. Minutes of the previous meeting by Secretary 7. Review of the year by the Secretary 8. Review of the financial status of the Club by the Treasurer 9. Outgoing President's farewell address, distribution of awards, and introduction of the incoming President 10. Installation of the incoming President by handing over the charter, gang & gavel, collaring the President, and exchanging lapel pins 11. Address by the new President (brief description of annual plans) 12. Introduction of the new Board of Directors 13. Oath-taking by office bearers 14. Exchange of Sgt.-at-Arms Band 15. Induction of new members, if any 16. Release of club bulletin, if published 17. Introduction of the Chief Guest 18. Address by the Chief Guest 19. Felicitations and Announcements 20. Presenting mementoes to the dignitaries 21. Valedictory remarks 22. Vote of thanks 23. Meeting adjourned by the new President Action to be taken on pending matters: Club Service - Review of Attendance - Review of club dues - Club bulletin report by committee - Membership Development report by committee - Fellowship activities report by committee - Rotary-Rotaract relation report by committee - Plan for the month & targets Community Service - Report by Committee - Plan for the month & targets Professional Development - Report by committee - Plan for the month & targets International Service - Report by Committee - Plan for the month & targets Fundraising - Plan for the month & targets Decisions needing Board of Directors' approval Any other matter with the permission of the Chairman Protocols to be observed for formal functions: Every Rotaract club has a set of protocols to be observed during formal functions. These protocols help recognize and show respect to dignitaries, enhancing the prestige of our club and maintaining decorum. Here are a few hints on the protocol to be followed: Protocol to be observed in the order of precedence of greeting: 1. District Governor 2. PDGs (Seniority wise) 3. District Rotaract Committee Chairman 4. District Rotaract Representative 5. Past District Rotaract Representatives (Seniority wise) 6. District Rotaract Representative-Elect 7. Rotaract District Council Members/Officers 8. Rotaract District Cabinet members 9. Serving Presidents 10. Past Presidents 11. President Elects and so on. Order of inviting dignitaries to the dais: 1. Chief Guest 2. Guest of Honour 3. District Rotaract Representative 4. Project/Event Chairperson 5. President 6. Secretary Arrangements on the dais: - The President/Chairman must be seated at the center of the dais. - The Chief Guest on the right-hand side of the President/Chairman. - Guest(s) of Honour and any other dignitaries on the left-hand side of the President/Chairman. - President, if any, on the right-hand side of the Chief Guest. - Secretary on the extreme left-hand side of the President. Order of felicitating the dignitaries: 1. Chief Guest 2. Guest of Honour 3. Rotarians 4. Rotaract District office bearers 5. Rotaract Club Presidents Other protocols: - Club banner, District theme banner, and charter should be displayed at all formal functions. - For the Installation Ceremony, the outgoing President & Secretary should be on the left of the Chief Guest, and the incoming President & Secretary should be on the extreme right of the Chief Guest. After handing over the charge, the President and Secretaries should exchange respective places. - A Past President must introduce the Chief Guest, and the Vote of Thanks must be presented by the Secretary. - If the DRR is present as the Chief Guest in any meeting, he/she should speak last. After the DRR's speech, there should be acknowledgments, announcements, and a vote of thanks. - Care should be taken to maintain the standards and values of Rotaract during meetings. Austerity in conduct and sincerity of purpose should be upheld. We believe that by following these organized formats and protocols, our club meetings and functions will be conducted smoothly, ensuring a pleasant experience for everyone involved.

  • Rotaract Club Organizing Team and Governing Body: Roles and Responsibilities

    ORGANIZING TEAM AND GOVERNING BODY OF ROTARACT CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS The board of directors serves as the governing body of a Rotaract club, comprising the president, immediate past president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and additional officers. Rotarian and faculty advisers attend board meetings for guidance, and Rotary club members may observe. The board meets monthly, approving club plans and projects, ensuring financial stability, and delegating responsibilities. They prepare a final report at the end of the Rotary year, shared it with the District and sponsor Rotary club. PRESIDENT The president ensures successful professional and leadership development activities and beneficial service projects. Responsibilities include: - Conducting effective club meetings with detailed agendas - Chairing board meetings - Appointing committees and seeking input - Delegating responsibilities for leadership development - Encouraging member involvement in projects - Promoting and executing club activities and service projects - Monitoring membership diversity - Collaborating with advisers and district officers - Updating club information regularly VICE PRESIDENT The vice president supports the president and may serve as the incoming president. Responsibilities include: - Presiding over meetings in the president's absence - Serving on the board of directors and committees - Handling special assignments - Staying updated on club goals and activities - Assuming the role of president when needed SECRETARY The secretary ensures efficient club operations and effective communication. Responsibilities include: - Maintaining club records, including membership and documents - Notifying the sponsor Rotary club of potential Rotarians - Providing club information to update RI - Taking minutes at club meetings - Managing important club documents - Reporting club activities to RI TREASURER The treasurer maintains accurate financial records and oversees the club's finances. Responsibilities include: - Chairing the finance committee - Collecting dues and fundraising proceeds - Managing club expenses and reimbursements - Preparing and administering budgets - Providing monthly financial reports - Ensuring compliance with financial regulations IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT The immediate past president provides feedback, assists with special projects, and supports the board and club members. CLUB COMMITTEES Committees assist in carrying out club activities and projects. Responsibilities include: - Recruiting and engaging members - Publicizing club activities - Networking and socializing - Maintaining historical records COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE - Reviewing and planning community service projects - Organizing and implementing community service activities INTERNATIONAL SERVICE COMMITTEE - Reviewing and planning international service projects - Organizing and implementing international service activities - Promoting international understanding PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Planning professional development activities - Exploring community resources - Organizing and implementing professional development opportunities FINANCE COMMITTEE - Deciding on club funding strategies - Maintaining financial sustainability - Collecting dues and seeking donations

  • Mark Your Calendars: Important Rotaract Club Deadlines and Guidelines

    Important Deadlines Conduct your Club Installation ceremony before 31st July Conduct at least two Club meetings including a Board of Directors meeting every month and a General body meeting. Conduct DRR’s Official visit without fail. (Clubs which fails to conduct DRR visit will not be eligible for awards criteria.) Make sure you have updated your club contact information to Rotary International. To update please log on to Make sure your club has a charter. Contact your parent club youth service and/or your ZRR/ZRS/Group coordinator in case your charter is missing. In case your club is terminated from the Rotary International list you will have to fill in the Rotaract Organizational list and send it to the Rotary International along with $50 for new registration. Conduct Joint Club meetings with Rotary, Rotaract and also other NGOs. Participate in the District Rotaract Assembly, Annual District Rotaract Conference in good strength and any other major District projects/events. Attend all District Council Meeting (if the President or Secretary are unable to attend, do send a representative). Every Community-Based club should contribute Rs. 150/- per member, and plus Rs. 200/- per club towards the District Fund and it will be appropriate as follows: District Rotaract representative fund Rs. 100/- Host club for dist. Conference Rs. 30/- Host club for dist. Assembly Rs. 20/- Institution based club shall contribute Rs. 100/- per member plus Rs. 200/- per club towards the district fund and it will be appropriate as follows: District Rotaract representative fund Rs. 70/- Host club for dist. Conference Rs. 20/- Host club for dist. Assembly Rs. 10/- Dues are paid by the club minimum of 15 members. Host/jointly host at least one District Council Meeting, contact your ZRR/ZRS for further information. Report all projects on/before the 3rd of every month.

  • Rotaract Club Properties: Ensuring Excellence, Maintaining Legacy

    Any Rotaract club should maintain a few properties, the various properties related to the club and the people responsible for maintenance of the property are listed below. To be maintained by the president President’s Collar, Gavel and Gong Club Charter D. Card Rotaract President Lapel pin District Directory Club Letterhead Correspondence – Incoming and outgoing files To be maintained by Secretary Report Book Minutes book Incoming/Outgoing Correspondence files D. Card Bio-data for all members District directory Visiting Rotaractor Acknowledgement cards Club letterhead Secretary Lapel Pin To be maintained by Treasurer Cheque book Bank passbook Books of accounts Day/Month cash book Project/meeting specific ledger Subscription ledge Receipt book Subscription reminders Voucher pad Treasurer lapel pin To be maintained by Club Service Director Attendance books – guest and member Club banner(s) Meeting intimation card Leave letter application Club roster/Addresses of all members District directory Birthday list of all members Member/Club details of sister clubs/ twin clubs Reserve lapel pins Report of each clubs service projects Director pin To be maintained by Community Service Director Reports of each community project Extract from R.I./District Publication about community service projects List of committee members Director pin To be maintained by Professional Service Director Report of each professional service project Extract from R.I./District Publication about community service projects List of committee members Director pin To be maintained by International Service Director Report of each international service project Extract from R.I./District Publication about international service projects List of committee members Director pin To be maintained by the Editor District News Letter, Bulletins of other clubs, Sponsoring Rotary club, Rotary International, and Other district Rotaract clubs. Member pin Club Bulletins Information file for Club Bulletin To be maintained by the Sergeant-At-Arms Sergeant at Arms Stick Member pin To be maintained by the Public Relations Officer Records of printed information related to the club in newspapers and magazines Records of digital information related to the club in TV shows, the Internet etc. List of media in the locality and their addresses Copy of PR kits relating to every project/meeting Member pin

  • DRR Theme 2023-24 of RID 3250: WE CREATE IMPACT | RTR Ayush Shaswat

    The Rota Theme of RI District 3250, as proposed by DRR Ayush Shaswat, for Rotary Year 2023–24 is WE CREATE IMPACT, with a vision and mission to create a positive bandwagon effect in somebody’s life even if we don’t know them. As Rotaractors, we are committed to creating positive change in our communities and the world at large. The theme “We Create Impact” serves as a powerful reminder of our collective responsibility to take action and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around us. As District Rotaract Representative, I urge all Rotaractors in Rotary International District 3250 to come together and leverage our skills, resources, and passion to create an impact in our communities. Let’s collaborate, share our ideas, experiences, and work towards creating a sustainable impact in the world. Remember, every small step we take towards creating impact can make a big difference.

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