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  • Know your DRR 2023-24 | RTR Ayush Shaswat

    Born on the 14th of October , Rtr Ayush Shaswat joined the Rotaract movement in July 2017 as chartered president of the Rotaract Club of Amrapali. Business by profession, Rtr Ayush executed his skills in multiple projects to shape the updated society. Improving his skills, he was selected as Zonal Rotaract Secretary in 2018-19, Zonal Rotaract Representative in 2019-20, and District Rotaract Secretary in 2020-21 respectively. Under his presidency, the Rotaract Club of Amrapali received Best Club Award, along with separate felicitations for the various projects. By focusing on his skills and dedication he was felicitated under the category of Best President of the Year 2017-18. In 2017-18, he received DRR Special Recognition and the Most Active Rotaractor. award For his sincereness towards the district and activeness for reports and assistance, he received Best ZRS of the year 2018-19. He received the Best Supporting Rotaractor Award for two consecutive years 2018-19 and 2019-20 and he also attended multi-district events like SEARIC SUMMIT 2017 & 2022 respectively, Rotasia 2024, ROAR by RSA 2024, he also attend eRZI 2020 and also Several Rotary Conferences & Assembly. After all that on the 2nd of April, 2022 when the rotaractors of Rotary International District 3250 were enjoying the Anurag, 36th District Rotaract Conference organised by the Rotaract Club of Giridih. As the district traditions for events follow, Rtr Ayush Shaswat was elected as the DRR for the Rota Year 2023-24. After that, On January 2024, Rtr Ayush Shaswat joined Rotary Club of Amrapali and become Rotarion and also He donated Funds to The Rotary Foundation and Polioplus fund and become the first Serving MPHF DRR of Rotary International District 3250 of the year 2023-24. Now He is the Director of SEARIC MDIO of ZONE-6 and also He is the District MENTOR of ROTARACT 3250. Also, he is now PHF+8. LAST UPDATE: 08/08/2024

  • आरोग्यम् — Nourish & Flourish - A Rotaract District 3250 Project

    Rotary District 3250 proudly announces " आरोग्यम् (Aarogyam) — Nourish & Flourish , ", the Rotaract district project and a transformative initiative aimed at providing comprehensive health and wellness support to communities affected by floods and calamities. From essential distributions to health checkup camps and mental wellness programs, this project seeks to empower and uplift individuals, ensuring a healthier and brighter future. Highlights: Essential Distribution: Aid for flood and calamity victims Health Checkups: Eye, dental, and general health camps Awareness Programs: Focus on menstruation, PCOS, and PCOD Cervical Cancer Prevention: Informative seminars Healthy Lifestyle Webinars: Tips and guidance for overall well-being Mental Health Wellness: Programs on anxiety, depression, and more Empowering Communities with Health and Hope: आरोग्यम् — Nourish & Flourish Initiative Rotary District 3250 is set to launch an inspiring and impactful initiative, "आरोग्यम् — Nourish & Flourish," from 10th August to 31st August 2024. This comprehensive project is designed to address the critical health and wellness needs of communities affected by recent floods and calamities. Focus Areas of आरोग्यम्: 1. Distribution of Essentials: Providing immediate relief to those who have been severely impacted by natural disasters, ensuring they have access to basic necessities. 2. Health Checkup Camps: Offering specialized camps focusing on eye and dental health, along with general health checkups, to detect and address any underlying health issues. 3. Awareness Programs for Menstruation, PCOS, and PCOD: Conducting informative sessions to educate women about menstrual health, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and polycystic ovary disorder (PCOD), breaking stigmas and promoting awareness. 4. Cervical Cancer Prevention Seminars: Organizing seminars to spread knowledge about cervical cancer prevention, early detection, and available treatments. 5. Webinars on Healthy Lifestyles: Hosting webinars that provide valuable insights and tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, encompassing nutrition, exercise, and holistic well-being. 6. Mental Health Wellness Programs : Addressing mental health concerns by providing support and guidance on managing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, fostering a supportive community environment. Join hands with Rotary District 3250 in this noble cause to promote disease prevention and treatment. Together, let's build a healthier, stronger community. For any queries, please contact: Project Chairperson: Rtr. Suyasha - 9472203551 Project Co-Chairperson: Rtr. Roshan Soni - 7004519209 "आरोग्यम् — Nourish & Flourish" is not just a project; it is a commitment to nurturing health and spreading hope.

  • Meet District Governor 2024-25 of RI District 3250, RTN Bipin Chachan

    Meet the man behind the magic of Rotary in District 3250, the dedicated and visionary District Governor (DG) 2024-25 of RI District 3250, RTN Bipin Chachan. Hailing from a business family in Muzaffarpur, DG Bipin is a shining example of leadership and service within the Rotary community. With a Master’s degree from the prestigious Delhi School of Economics and an entrepreneurial spirit, DG Bipin established Plant Remedies Pvt Ltd, a manufacturing unit of pesticides in Hajipur. However, his true passion lies in serving others through Rotary. DG Bipin’s Rotary journey began in 2007 when he joined the Rotary Club of Pataliputra. Since then, he has demonstrated unwavering commitment and leadership, serving as Club President in 2013-14 and spearheading transformative projects such as the Mukti Rath project in Patna. Under his leadership, RC Pataliputra became the first 100% PHF club in Bihar and earned recognition as the ‘Best Club of the District’. In addition to his club leadership, DG Bipin has held various district roles, including Zonal AG, District Paul Harris Society Coordinator, and District Grants Sub-Committee Chair. His dedication has been recognized with numerous awards, including Rotary International’s ‘Avenues of Service Award’ and ‘Best Rotarian Couple’. One of DG Bipin’s major contributions has been spearheading impactful Global Grants projects such as Rotary Dialysis Centres, a Rotary Blood Bank, and a Rotary Eye Hospital. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he played a crucial role in providing vital resources to clubs in the district, including oxygen cylinders and an Oxygen Concentrator Bank. DG Bipin’s innovative initiatives have included the establishment of young generation clubs like Pataliputra NextGen, encouraging youth involvement in Rotary. He is a proud member of the Paul Harris Society and a Major Donor, leading by example in philanthropy and service. Outside of Rotary, DG Bipin finds support and inspiration from his family. His partner, PP Shilpi Chachan, is an active Rotarian, and their two sons, Kunal and Kushal, are following in their footsteps in both business and service. As District Governor for 2024-25, DG Bipin envisions District 3250 as a leader in the world of Service, embracing the theme "The Magic of Rotary". His leadership and vision aim to create lasting impacts and inspire others to experience the transformative power of Rotary in changing lives and communities.

  • Welcome Address by DRR Rinku Kumar: Leading RI District 3250 from July 1st, 2024

    As of July 1st, 2024, DRR Rinku will officially assume his role as the District Rotaract Representative (DRR) of RI District 3250. In his welcome address, he shares his vision for the year ahead, emphasizing the importance of unity, service, and personal growth among Rotaractors. DRR Rinku expresses his gratitude to the members and outlines his plans to lead the district towards new achievements and stronger community impact. Join us in welcoming DRR Rinku and looking forward to an exciting year of Rotaract initiatives and collaborations. Dear Rotaractors, I wish you all a very Happy New Rotaract Year! As we embark on this journey together, let's join hands in making a difference and being game changers. Embrace the values of Service, Leadership, and Friendship, and strive to create a lasting impact in our communities and beyond. Service Engage in meaningful projects that address local and global needs. Whether it’s through organizing health camps, supporting educational initiatives, or promoting environmental sustainability, let's use our skills and resources to uplift those around us and create sustainable change. Remember, even the smallest act of service can make a significant difference. Leadership Let’s take the lead in initiatives that inspire others. As Rotaractors, we have the potential to drive positive change and influence our peers. Cultivate a culture of innovation, inclusivity, and responsibility within our clubs and beyond. Encourage new ideas, support diverse perspectives, and take ownership of our projects and actions. Friendship Foster strong bonds with fellow Rotaractors. Build networks of support and collaboration, enriching our experiences through genuine connections. Our strength lies in our unity, and by working together, we can achieve greater heights. Participate actively in club activities, attend events, and take the time to get to know your fellow members. Our motto, "Fellowship Through Service," perfectly encapsulates our mission. By working together, we not only serve our communities but also build lasting friendships and networks. Your passion and dedication are the driving forces behind our collective success, and I am confident that, together, we can make this year truly remarkable. Here’s to a year filled with meaningful projects, new connections, and unforgettable experiences. Let’s make this year count and create a brighter future for all. Warm regards, PHF Rtr. Rinku Kumar District Rotaract Representative 2024-25 Rotary International District 3250 Bihar & Jharkhand

  • DRR Ayush Shaswat's Final Address: A Heartfelt Farewell to Rotaract District 3250 as DRR 2023-24

    As DRR Ayush Shaswat's tenure comes to a close on June 30th, 2024, he delivers a poignant farewell address to the Rotaractors of District 3250. In his final message, he reflects on the achievements, challenges, and memorable moments of his leadership journey. Ayush expresses his deepest gratitude to the members for their unwavering support and dedication, leaving behind an inspiring legacy of service and unity. Join us in celebrating his impactful tenure and looking forward to the continued growth and success of the district. To, Dear Fellow Rotaractors, WE CREATED IMPACT🚩 As my tenure as your District Rotaract Representative comes to an end, my heart is full of love, gratitude, and pride. When I recall my first day as DRR, I didn't think this tenure would be successful and the credit goes to the entire members of RID 3250. Yes, it was a rollercoaster of highs and lows, but ultimately, we reach the shore. This year has been an incredible journey filled with enthusiasm, humanity, and care. Together, we have created unforgettable memories and made a significant impact on our communities. To the entire working team of RID 3250, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your hard work, dedication, and passion have been the driving force behind our amazing projects, events and initiatives. From planning to execution, your efforts have been nothing short of extraordinary. I am especially grateful to our DRS (General, Admin, Reporting) DRT, All the Directors, PR Team, All ZRR & ZRS, Council Members various committees and each and every Rotaractor. Your commitment and tireless efforts have made this year a resounding success. You have been the backbone of our organization, and I am forever thankful for your support. I would like to thank and Congratulate Rotaract Patna Midtown for organising "District Assembly AAGAZ and Rotaract Muzaffarpur for Organising District Conference VOYAGE. I cannot end this without thanking those who helped & guided me since day one. Thank you PDRR Vaibhav Thakur, PDRR Anmol Singhal, DRRE Rtr Rinku Kumar, DRRN Rtr Nikunj Bajoria, DCSD PHF Rtr Mihir Saraswat, District Council Coordinator Rtr Shubham Tanmay, DRS Rtr Sadashiv Khatri & Rtr Akash Sahu, DRT Rtr Riya Singh, Rtr Gaurav Kumar. Apology for forget the name. Special thanks to my Sweet Heart "SHIKHA"❤️ who helped me throughout the session from heaven Special Gratitude to my DISTRICT GOVERNOR Rtn Shiv Prakash Bagaria to guide & supported my throughout the session. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your DRR. I am proud of each and every one of you. "Started as we create impact, now to be a game changer. It's been a long, beautiful journey." Wishing all the very best to DRRE PHF Rtr Rinku Kumar along with all his office bearers, and Presidents & Secretaries for the session 2024-25.💐 SIGNING OFF AS YOUR DRR Yours in Rotaract MPHF Rtr. Ayush Shaswat DRR || 2023-2024 RID 3250 Bihar & Jharkhand #WeCreateImpact

  • Meet Stephanie Urchick as Rotary International President 2024-25

    Stephanie A. Urchick of the Rotary Club of McMurray, Pennsylvania, will serve as Rotary International President in 2024-25. Her tenure will emphasize peacebuilding, eradicating polio, and promoting the "Magic of Rotary." Stephanie Urchick named Rotary International President for 2024-25 Stephanie A. Urchick, a distinguished member of the Rotary Club of McMurray, Pennsylvania, has been announced as the Rotary International (RI) President for the 2024-25 term. Urchick has a long history of service within RI, having previously served as an RI director, Rotary Foundation trustee, and in numerous other capacities. Urchick's extensive Rotary career includes roles as training leader, regional Rotary Foundation coordinator, and RI president's representative. Additionally, she has been a key figure in strategic planning and various operational committees. A Rotary member since 1991, Urchick has engaged in numerous international service projects. Her work includes participating in National Immunization Days in India and Nigeria, building a primary school in Vietnam, and installing water filters in the Dominican Republic. Fluent in several Slavic languages, she has mentored new Rotary members in Ukraine and facilitated a Rotary Foundation grant for a hospital in Poland. Stephanie Urchick’s professional background spans higher education, consulting, and entertainment. She holds a doctorate in Leadership Studies from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and has been recognized by The Rotary Foundation and numerous other organizations. The Magic of Rotary At the Rotary International Assembly on January 8, Urchick announced her presidential theme, "The Magic of Rotary." She emphasized the tangible impact of Rotary’s efforts worldwide, sharing a personal anecdote from a service project in the Dominican Republic where local children marveled at the transformation of dirty water into clean water through filters installed by Rotary members. “Don’t misunderstand me – we are not going to end polio or bring peace to the world by waving a wand and saying some funny words,” Urchick stated. “It’s up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member.” Prioritizing Peace and Eradicating Polio Urchick’s presidency will focus on championing Rotary’s Action Plan, balancing continuity and change, and prioritizing peacebuilding. She plans to host a presidential peace conference in 2025 themed "Healing in a Divided World," underscoring Rotary’s long-standing commitment to peace through its global network of peace centers. Highlighting the organization's ongoing efforts, Urchick reiterated the commitment to polio eradication, urging members to engage with government leaders and support initiatives to end the disease. Embracing Change and Diversity Addressing the necessity of evolving while staying true to Rotary’s core values, Urchick encouraged members to reassess and innovate their local club activities, particularly in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). “I hope you’ll join me in opening your arms to future people of action, even if – and in some cases, especially if – they don’t look or act like the typical member of your local club,” she said. Stephanie Urchick's upcoming presidency promises to be a transformative period for Rotary International, emphasizing impactful service and the power of community engagement under the banner of "The Magic of Rotary." NOTE: This article contains information sourced from the Rotary International Website.

  • District Rotaract Organisation 3250 Launches Final Project of the Session 2023-24

    Project "SHIKHA" Aims to Support Orphanages with Community Engagement and Donations The District Rotaract Organization, RID 3250, has announced its final project for the session 2023-24, titled "SHIKHA". Scheduled to run until June 30, 2024, this project focuses on supporting local orphanages through various charitable activities and community engagement. Participating clubs are encouraged to visit orphanages and contribute in several meaningful ways. Activities include distributing items like cookies, chocolates, and juice, donating study materials such as notebooks, pencils, and books, and organizing fellowship sessions or community meals with the children. To recognize the efforts of participating clubs, each club will receive a memento. Additionally, the best-performing club will be awarded a trophy by the DRR Council, RID 3250. Clubs are requested to submit a report detailing their involvement, including two of the best photos and a brief description of the activities and beneficiaries. Reports should be emailed to with the subject line "Details of Project Shikha". The District Rotaract Organization emphasizes its commitment to creating a positive impact in the community through these initiative.

  • Exciting Announcement: 38th District Rotaract Assembly New Slab Details Revealed

    The excitement is building as Rotary International District 3250 proudly announces the next phase of the much-anticipated 38th District Rotaract Assembly, set to take place on July 14, 2024. Aptly titled "अध्याय - Let the New Chapter Begin," this assembly promises to be a transformative event focused on service, leadership, and community engagement. Introducing the Thor Slab, a unique registration tier designed to inspire participants to "Unleash Your Inner Hero." This slab caters to Rotaractors, Rotarians, and past district leaders, offering them a chance to join a limited and exclusive cohort for an invigorating experience. Thor Slab Rates: - Rotaractors: ₹699 - Rotarians: ₹1199 - IPDRR/PDRR/DRRN: ₹999 With only 30 spots available under the Thor Slab, early registration is crucial. This exclusive opportunity is perfect for those who want to be at the forefront of Rotary service and leadership, shaping a brighter future for their communities. How to Register: To secure a spot, participants are encouraged to register through the provided link: [Registration Form]( Early registration is recommended due to the limited availability of slots. Payment Details: Participants can make payments through bank transfer or UPI. The details for each method are as follows: Bank Transfer: - Bank: Axis Bank - Account Number: 921010018415941 - Mobile Number: +91 8789079726 - Account Holder Name: Akash Kumar - IFSC Code: UTIB0000012 - Branch Address: Bistupur, Jamshedpur UPI: - UPI ID: 8789079726@ybl Contact Information: For any inquiries or additional information, participants can reach out to the event organizers: Host DRR: - PHF RTR. Rinku Kumar - Phone: +91 92044 40980 Assembly Chairperson: - RTR. Nirmal Kumar - Phone: +91 74881 30729 Assembly Co-Chairperson: - RTR. Yusuf Ahmed - Phone: +91 70446 78546 About the Event: The 38th District Rotaract Assembly is more than just a gathering; it is a platform for young leaders to come together, exchange ideas, and plan projects that drive community service and leadership. This year’s theme, "अध्याय - Let the New Chapter Begin," underscores the ongoing journey of growth, development, and positive change that Rotaractors embark upon. Why Attend: Inspiration: Attendees will have the chance to hear from distinguished speakers and leaders who will share their experiences and insights, inspiring participants to reach new heights in their service endeavors. Networking: The assembly provides a unique opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, fostering connections that can lead to collaborative projects and initiatives. Skill Development: Various sessions and workshops will be designed to enhance skills in leadership, project management, and community engagement, equipping Rotaractors with the tools needed for effective service. Community Impact: By participating in the assembly, Rotaractors contribute to the larger mission of Rotary International – to make a significant impact on local and global communities through dedicated service. Rotary International District 3250 invites all Rotaractors, Rotarians, and past district leaders to join in this remarkable event. The Thor Slab is an exclusive opportunity to be part of a dynamic group dedicated to service and leadership. Register now, unleash your inner hero, and be a part of the movement driving positive change.

  • District Rotaract 3250 Announces Annual Awards for Excellence in Creating Impact 2023-24

    The District Rotaract Organization 3250 is set to honor outstanding contributions and impactful projects through its Annual Awards for Excellence in Creating Impact 2023-24. This prestigious event aims to celebrate the relentless efforts of Rotaract clubs in Bihar & Jharkhand, recognizing their remarkable initiatives in various service areas. The call for nominations has been officially announced, inviting clubs to showcase their exemplary work across six inspiring categories: 1. Community Service 2. Vocational Service 3. Youth Service 4. Club Service 5. International Service 6. Signature Projects Club representatives are encouraged to highlight projects that have made a significant difference within their communities and beyond. From empowering youth to fostering international goodwill, these awards aim to shine a spotlight on initiatives that embody the spirit of service and impact. Rotaractors seeking guidance or clarification can reach out to PHF DRR RTN RTR Ayush Shaswat, who is available to provide assistance throughout the nomination process. The deadline for submission is set for 15th June 2024, allowing ample time for clubs to prepare and submit their nominations. To participate in the awards, clubs are required to follow a simple four-step nomination process: 1. Visit the website. 2. Review the rules and download the nomination form from the District Website. 3. Complete the nomination form with accurate information. 4. Upload the nomination form and submit it online. However, it's important to adhere to certain rules for nomination: - Projects must have been hosted, organized, or executed between 1st July 2023 and 15th June 2024. - Each club can nominate up to three projects under each category. - Projects such as Birthday celebrations, Mahadan, Casual Gatherings, and Meetings are not eligible. - Accuracy and completeness of information provided in the nomination form are crucial, as incorrect entries may lead to disqualification. - The final selection of projects for awards rests with the award selection committee. The District Rotaract Organization 3250 looks forward to receiving nominations that exemplify the spirit of service and embody Rotary's motto of "Service Above Self." For more information and updates, visit the official Rotaract District Organization 3250 website. Let's come together to celebrate excellence and honor the impactful contributions of Rotaract clubs in District 3250!

  • District 3250 Official T-shirt: Call for Purchase

    Dear Presidents, We are thrilled to announce that district 3250 t-shirts will be available starting from the upcoming year. 👉Having a district t-shirt will be a game-changer for all members, making you stand out and unite at multidistrict events with style and pride. 💠To facilitate the ordering process, Presidents are kindly requested to gather the following details from club members interested in purchasing: T-shirt size and the charges (Rs. 500/- each). Please note that the minimum order quantity is 10 t-shirts per club. Kindly transfer the total amount to the provided Canara Bank account details: Account Number: 2969101002588 Mobile Number: +919204440980 Account Holder Name: RINKU KUMAR IFSC Code: CNRB0002969 Branch Address: 30 AMBAGAN AREA Thank you for your cooperation in making this initiative a success.

  • District 3250 announces Iron Man Slab for Adhyaay: 38th District Rotaract Assembly

    In a recent announcement, the organizers of the 38th District Rotaract Assembly have unveiled an exciting new slab for the upcoming event scheduled for July 14, 2024. This year's assembly, themed "Adhyay - Let the New Chapter Begin," promises to be a transformative experience for Rotaractors across the district. Hosted by Rotary International District 3250, the assembly aims to inspire Rotaractors to unleash their inner hero and make a positive impact in their communities. Drawing inspiration from the words of Tony Stark, "Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with," the assembly encourages participants to embrace leadership and service. Dubbed the "Iron Man Slab," this segment of the assembly is designed to empower Rotaractors to channel their inner heroism. Registrants will have the opportunity to engage in various activities focused on service and leadership development. Registration rates for the Iron Man Slab are as follows: - Rotaractors: ₹599 - Rotarians: ₹1199 - IPDRR/PDRR/DRRN: ₹999 With only 30 registrations available, participants are encouraged to secure their spots early. The assembly promises to be a dynamic platform for Rotaractors to connect, learn, and grow together. To register for the assembly, interested individuals can visit the provided link. Payment details for registration fees are also provided for convenience. For further inquiries, participants can reach out to the Host DRR, PHF RTR. Rinku Kumar, or the Assembly Chairperson, RTR. Nirmal Kumar. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a collective force for positive change. See you at the assembly! Payment Processes: Bank Transfer: AXIS BANK A/C Details: Account Number: 921010018415941 Account Holder Name: AKASH KUMAR IFSC Code: UTIB0000012 Branch Address: Bistupur, Jamshedpur UPI ID: 8789079726@ybl

  • Important Notification Regarding Club Activities

    The district is planning to nominate the events and projects for award from the above link. It is mandatory to post your club activities for smoother nomination. Please mention the following details: Event/Project Name Event/Project Date and Duration 2 Event/Project Action Photographs (not collage) & Media Coverage Event/Project Objectives, Impacts and Benefits NOTE: Please use your club's official account for posts and updates. Other significant announcements will be made by PHF DRR Ayush Shaswat soon. In case of any technical issues, don't hesitate to get in touch with RTR Shubham Tanmay (8987694224)

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