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Mark Your Calendars: Important Rotaract Club Deadlines and Guidelines

Important Deadlines

  • Conduct your Club Installation ceremony before 31st July

  • Conduct at least two Club meetings including a Board of Directors meeting every month and a General body meeting.

  • Conduct DRR’s Official visit without fail. (Clubs which fails to conduct DRR visit will not be eligible for awards criteria.)

  • Make sure you have updated your club contact information to Rotary International. To update please log on to

  • Make sure your club has a charter. Contact your parent club youth service and/or your ZRR/ZRS/Group coordinator in case your charter is missing. In case your club is terminated from the Rotary International list you will have to fill in the Rotaract Organizational list and send it to the Rotary International along with $50 for new registration.

  • Conduct Joint Club meetings with Rotary, Rotaract and also other NGOs.

  • Participate in the District Rotaract Assembly, Annual District Rotaract Conference in good strength and any other major District projects/events.

  • Attend all District Council Meeting (if the President or Secretary are unable to attend, do send a representative).

  • Every Community-Based club should contribute Rs. 150/- per member, and plus Rs. 200/- per club towards the District Fund and it will be appropriate as follows:

    • District Rotaract representative fund Rs. 100/-

    • Host club for dist. Conference Rs. 30/-

    • Host club for dist. Assembly Rs. 20/-

  • Institution based club shall contribute Rs. 100/- per member plus Rs. 200/- per club towards the district fund and it will be appropriate as follows:

    • District Rotaract representative fund Rs. 70/-

    • Host club for dist. Conference Rs. 20/-

    • Host club for dist. Assembly Rs. 10/-

Dues are paid by the club minimum of 15 members.

  • Host/jointly host at least one District Council Meeting, contact your ZRR/ZRS for further information.

  • Report all projects on/before the 3rd of every month.



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