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Rotaract Club Properties: Ensuring Excellence, Maintaining Legacy

Any Rotaract club should maintain a few properties, the various properties related to the club and the people responsible for maintenance of the property are listed below.

To be maintained by the president
  • President’s Collar, Gavel and Gong

  • Club Charter

  • D. Card

  • Rotaract President Lapel pin

  • District Directory

  • Club Letterhead

  • Correspondence – Incoming and outgoing files

To be maintained by Secretary
  • Report Book

  • Minutes book

  • Incoming/Outgoing Correspondence files

  • D. Card

  • Bio-data for all members

  • District directory

  • Visiting Rotaractor Acknowledgement cards

  • Club letterhead

  • Secretary Lapel Pin

To be maintained by Treasurer
  • Cheque book

  • Bank passbook

  • Books of accounts

  • Day/Month cash book

  • Project/meeting specific ledger

  • Subscription ledge

  • Receipt book

  • Subscription reminders

  • Voucher pad

  • Treasurer lapel pin

To be maintained by Club Service Director
  • Attendance books – guest and member

  • Club banner(s)

  • Meeting intimation card

  • Leave letter application

  • Club roster/Addresses of all members

  • District directory

  • Birthday list of all members

  • Member/Club details of sister clubs/ twin clubs

  • Reserve lapel pins

  • Report of each clubs service projects

  • Director pin

To be maintained by Community Service Director
  • Reports of each community project

  • Extract from R.I./District Publication about community service projects

  • List of committee members

  • Director pin

To be maintained by Professional Service Director
  • Report of each professional service project

  • Extract from R.I./District Publication about community service projects

  • List of committee members

  • Director pin

To be maintained by International Service Director
  • Report of each international service project

  • Extract from R.I./District Publication about international service projects

  • List of committee members

  • Director pin

To be maintained by the Editor
  • District News Letter, Bulletins of other clubs, Sponsoring Rotary club, Rotary International, and Other district Rotaract clubs.

  • Member pin

  • Club Bulletins

  • Information file for Club Bulletin

To be maintained by the Sergeant-At-Arms
  • Sergeant at Arms Stick

  • Member pin

To be maintained by the Public Relations Officer
  • Records of printed information related to the club in newspapers and magazines

  • Records of digital information related to the club in TV shows, the Internet etc.

  • List of media in the locality and their addresses

  • Copy of PR kits relating to every project/meeting

  • Member pin



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