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Rotaract Club Meetings and Functions: Protocols, Agendas, and Formalities

Club Meetings and Functions

Here you will find all the necessary information about the format and agenda of Rotaract club meetings, as well as the protocols to be observed for formal functions. We believe in organizing our events in an efficient and respectful manner to ensure a positive experience for all attendees.

Format for Club Meeting:

Sitting Head Table:

- Secretary

- President

- Guest Speaker

- R.C.C.

Meeting No.: [Number]

Date: [Date]

Time: [Time]

Location: [Venue]


1. Sergeant at Arms to collar the President

2. Meeting called to order by the President or Vice-President

3. National Anthem/Silent Prayer led by Vice-President

4. Welcome by the President

5. Guest Speaker/Chief Guest

6. Visiting Rotarian

7. District Board Members

8. Visiting Rotaractors

9. Guests

10. Minutes of previous week's meeting by Secretary Rtr. [Recorded by Rtr.]

11. Announcements by the President:

- Birthday Greetings

- Wedding Anniversaries

- Recognition's

- Thanking

- Acknowledgment and circulation of received mail, official announcements regarding club projects, activities, and administrative matters.

12. Reports of previous weeks

13. Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly financial report by Treasurer Rtr.

14. 'WORLD OF ROTARACT' - Rotaract information for the week by Rtr.

15. Introduction of Guest Speaker/Chief Guest by Rtr. followed by a Question and Answer session

16. Formal thanking to the Chief Guest/Guest Speaker by Rtr.

17. Any other announcements

18. Secretary's announcements

19. Vote of thanks by Rtr.

20. Meeting adjourned by the President


Agenda for Installation Ceremony:

1. Calling dignitaries to the dais

2. Collaring of the President by Sergeant at Arms

3. Meeting called to order by outgoing President

4. National Anthem/Rotaract Song

5. Welcoming of Chief Guest/Guest of Honour, Rotarians, Parents, Visiting Rotaractors, and guests by outgoing President

6. Minutes of the previous meeting by Secretary

7. Review of the year by the Secretary

8. Review of the financial status of the Club by the Treasurer

9. Outgoing President's farewell address, distribution of awards, and introduction of the incoming President

10. Installation of the incoming President by handing over the charter, gang & gavel, collaring the President, and exchanging lapel pins

11. Address by the new President (brief description of annual plans)

12. Introduction of the new Board of Directors

13. Oath-taking by office bearers

14. Exchange of Sgt.-at-Arms Band

15. Induction of new members, if any

16. Release of club bulletin, if published

17. Introduction of the Chief Guest

18. Address by the Chief Guest

19. Felicitations and Announcements

20. Presenting mementoes to the dignitaries

21. Valedictory remarks

22. Vote of thanks

23. Meeting adjourned by the new President


Action to be taken on pending matters:

Club Service

- Review of Attendance

- Review of club dues

- Club bulletin report by committee

- Membership Development report by committee

- Fellowship activities report by committee

- Rotary-Rotaract relation report by committee

- Plan for the month & targets

Community Service

- Report by Committee

- Plan for the month & targets

Professional Development

- Report by committee

- Plan for the month & targets

International Service

- Report by Committee

- Plan for the month & targets


- Plan for the month & targets

Decisions needing Board of Directors' approval

Any other matter with the permission of the Chairman


Protocols to be observed for formal functions:

Every Rotaract club has a set of protocols to be observed during formal functions. These protocols help recognize and show respect to dignitaries, enhancing the prestige of our club and maintaining decorum. Here are a few hints on the protocol to be followed:

Protocol to be observed in the order of precedence of greeting:

1. District Governor

2. PDGs (Seniority wise)

3. District Rotaract Committee Chairman

4. District Rotaract Representative

5. Past District Rotaract Representatives (Seniority wise)

6. District Rotaract Representative-Elect

7. Rotaract District Council Members/Officers

8. Rotaract District Cabinet members

9. Serving Presidents

10. Past Presidents

11. President Elects and so on.

Order of inviting dignitaries to the dais:

1. Chief Guest

2. Guest of Honour

3. District Rotaract Representative

4. Project/Event Chairperson

5. President

6. Secretary

Arrangements on the dais:

- The President/Chairman must be seated at the center of the dais.

- The Chief Guest on the right-hand side of the President/Chairman.

- Guest(s) of Honour and any other dignitaries on the left-hand side of the President/Chairman.

- President, if any, on the right-hand side of the Chief Guest.

- Secretary on the extreme left-hand side of the President.

Order of felicitating the dignitaries:

1. Chief Guest

2. Guest of Honour

3. Rotarians

4. Rotaract District office bearers

5. Rotaract Club Presidents

Other protocols:

- Club banner, District theme banner, and charter should be displayed at all formal functions.

- For the Installation Ceremony, the outgoing President & Secretary should be on the left of the Chief Guest, and the incoming President & Secretary should be on the extreme right of the Chief Guest. After handing over the charge, the President and Secretaries should exchange respective places.

- A Past President must introduce the Chief Guest, and the Vote of Thanks must be presented by the Secretary.

- If the DRR is present as the Chief Guest in any meeting, he/she should speak last. After the DRR's speech, there should be acknowledgments, announcements, and a vote of thanks.

- Care should be taken to maintain the standards and values of Rotaract during meetings. Austerity in conduct and sincerity of purpose should be upheld.

We believe that by following these organized formats and protocols, our club meetings and functions will be conducted smoothly, ensuring a pleasant experience for everyone involved.

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