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DRR Ayush Shaswat's Final Address: A Heartfelt Farewell to Rotaract District 3250 as DRR 2023-24

DRR Ayush Shaswat


As DRR Ayush Shaswat's tenure comes to a close on June 30th, 2024, he delivers a poignant farewell address to the Rotaractors of District 3250. In his final message, he reflects on the achievements, challenges, and memorable moments of his leadership journey. Ayush expresses his deepest gratitude to the members for their unwavering support and dedication, leaving behind an inspiring legacy of service and unity. Join us in celebrating his impactful tenure and looking forward to the continued growth and success of the district.



Dear Fellow Rotaractors,


As my tenure as your District Rotaract Representative comes to an end, my heart is full of love, gratitude, and pride.

When I recall my first day as DRR, I didn't think this tenure would be successful and the credit goes to the entire members of RID 3250.

Yes, it was a rollercoaster of highs and lows, but ultimately, we reach the shore.

This year has been an incredible journey filled with enthusiasm, humanity, and care. Together, we have created unforgettable memories and made a significant impact on our communities.

To the entire working team of RID 3250, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your hard work, dedication, and passion have been the driving force behind our amazing projects, events and initiatives. From planning to execution, your efforts have been nothing short of extraordinary.

I am especially grateful to our DRS (General, Admin, Reporting) DRT, All the Directors, PR Team, All ZRR & ZRS, Council Members various committees and each and every Rotaractor. Your commitment and tireless efforts have made this year a resounding success. You have been the backbone of our organization, and I am forever thankful for your support.

I would like to thank and Congratulate Rotaract Patna Midtown for organising "District Assembly AAGAZ and Rotaract Muzaffarpur for Organising District Conference VOYAGE.

I cannot end this without thanking those who helped & guided me since day one.

Thank you PDRR Vaibhav Thakur, PDRR Anmol Singhal, DRRE Rtr Rinku Kumar, DRRN Rtr Nikunj Bajoria, DCSD PHF Rtr Mihir Saraswat, District Council Coordinator Rtr Shubham Tanmay, DRS Rtr Sadashiv Khatri & Rtr Akash Sahu, DRT Rtr Riya Singh, Rtr Gaurav Kumar. Apology for forget the name.

Special thanks to my Sweet Heart "SHIKHA"❤️ who helped me throughout the session from heaven

Special Gratitude to my DISTRICT GOVERNOR Rtn Shiv Prakash Bagaria to guide & supported my throughout the session.

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your DRR. I am proud of each and every one of you.

"Started as we create impact, now to be a game changer. It's been a long, beautiful journey."

Wishing all the very best to DRRE PHF Rtr Rinku Kumar along with all his office bearers, and Presidents & Secretaries for the session 2024-25.💐


Yours in Rotaract

MPHF Rtr. Ayush Shaswat

DRR || 2023-2024

RID 3250

Bihar & Jharkhand



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