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District Rotaract Organisation 3250 Launches Final Project of the Session 2023-24

Project "SHIKHA" Aims to Support Orphanages with Community Engagement and Donations

The District Rotaract Organization, RID 3250, has announced its final project for the session 2023-24, titled "SHIKHA". Scheduled to run until June 30, 2024, this project focuses on supporting local orphanages through various charitable activities and community engagement.

Participating clubs are encouraged to visit orphanages and contribute in several meaningful ways. Activities include distributing items like cookies, chocolates, and juice, donating study materials such as notebooks, pencils, and books, and organizing fellowship sessions or community meals with the children.

To recognize the efforts of participating clubs, each club will receive a memento. Additionally, the best-performing club will be awarded a trophy by the DRR Council, RID 3250.

Clubs are requested to submit a report detailing their involvement, including two of the best photos and a brief description of the activities and beneficiaries. Reports should be emailed to with the subject line "Details of Project Shikha".

The District Rotaract Organization emphasizes its commitment to creating a positive impact in the community through these initiative.



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